Patients & providers deserve a voice.

Patients and providers are working to focus policy discussions on quality, patient-centered care.

The Value of Care Coalition:

Elevates patients’ and providers’ perspectives in state policy conversations

Develops educational resources on state-level processes and their impact on care

Raises public awareness about medication access and affordability decisions

Shapes state-level policy decisions about affordability, access and innovation

Some policy approaches overlook what matters to patients and providers.

One example is prescription drug affordability boards.

These state-level organizations:

Analyze the cost of prescription drugs to reduce spending, often limiting access in the process

Make recommendations that apply to commercial, state and Medicaid health plans

Include state-appointed experts in health care and economics

Rely more on health economics data than on input from patients and providers

Lean on discriminatory and one-size-fits-all metrics

Target medications that help patients living with debilitating medical conditions

2020 K Street NW, Suite 505
Washington, DC 20006


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© 2024 Value of Care Coalition

2020 K Street NW, Suite 505
Washington, DC 20006


© 2020 Value of Care Coalition